Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (WCCG) is following new guidelines set out by NHS England in March 2018, meaning that for many minor short-term health conditions, medicines which are available over the counter will no longer be routinely prescribed.
Following a period of national consultation, NHS England has published new guidance which covers 35 minor, short-term health conditions which are either:
Self-limiting – a condition which doesn’t require any medical advice or treatment as it will clear up on its own, such as sore throats, coughs, colds and viruses.
Suitable for self-care – a minor illness that is suitable for self-care can be treated with items that can be purchased over the counter from a pharmacy. For example, these conditions include indigestion, mouth ulcers, warts and verrucae.
The guidance also includes the restriction of vitamins, minerals and probiotics as items of limited clinical effectiveness.
The guidance applies to everyone in Wiltshire, although there are certain scenarios where patients should continue to have their treatments prescribed